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    ID.me for IRS E-Services

    The IRS recently announced that practitioners who have never used the IRS e-services system (used to access client transcripts and other information for clients who have signed authorizations granting the practitioner access) and who wish to sign up for it must create an account with ID.me as part of setting up the new e-services account.

    ID.me is a third-party identity verification system which requires users to submit scans of a government-issued identification (such as a passport) along with other information.

    For now, practitioners who already have existing login credentials for the IRS e-services system can continue to access e-services the way they always have.  However, the IRS has indicated that, at some point in the future, it will require such existing e-services account holders to set up an ID.me account in order to continue to access e-services.  The IRS has not yet announced a specific time-frame for when this change will occur.

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