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    New York State Refund Notices

    Recently, New York State has sent erroneous notices to numerous taxpayers regarding their 2018 personal income tax refunds.

    In this situation, the taxpayer has already received the refund requested on the taxpayer’s 2018 New York State personal income tax return.  However, after receiving the refund, the taxpayer receives a notice that indicates that the allowable refund for the 2018 tax year is zero.  The details of the notice indicate that the reason for the denial of the refund is that the amount has been previously refunded to the taxpayer.  As a result, the allowable refund as of the date of the letter is zero.

    Representatives of the State have acknowledged that such notices are in error.  The erroneous notice does not request a response.  While the erroneous notices are certain to cause confusion, as long as the taxpayer has already received the refund requested on the originally-filed return, the taxpayer does not need to respond to the erroneous notice.

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